Research Highlights

Compassionate End-of-Life Care: Mixed-Methods Multisite Evaluation of the 3 Wishes Project – January 7, 2020

Compassionate End-of-Life Care

 Keepsakes at the End of Life – June 21, 2020

Hand mold

 End-of-Life Care During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic: The 3 Wishes Program - October 2021

Research Highlights Venn Diagram


The 3 Wishes Program Improves Families’ Experience of Emotional and Spiritual Support at the End of Life

Neville, Thanh H. MD, MSHS, Taich, Zachary MD, Walling, Anne M. MD PhD, Bear, Danielle BS, Cook, Deborah J. MD, Msc, Tseng, Chi-Hong phD, Wenger, Neil S. MD, MPH, The 3 Wishes Program Improves Families’ Experience of Emotional and Spiritual Support at the End of Life,  Journal of General Internal Medecine: May 2022.

End-of-Life Care During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic: The 3 Wishes Program

Neville, Thanh H. MD, MSHS1; Bear, Danielle K. BS2; Kao, Yuhan RN3; Xu, Xueqing Sherry RN3; Hjelmhaug, Kristen RN3; Quebral, Desiree RN3; Sanaee, Natalie RN3; Hainje, Jessica RN3; Arriola, Genevieve RN3; Granone, Maria Carmela MD, CCRP4; White, Elizabeth BS5; Chaturvedi, Apurva5; Yu, Shuyi5; Clarke, France RRT6; Cook, Deborah J. MD, MSc7 End-of-Life Care During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic: The 3 Wishes Program, Critical Care Explorations: October 2021 - Volume 3 - Issue 10 - p e549

End-of-life transitions for family member on the solid tumour oncology ward: the 3 Wishes Project

Day G, Bear D, Swinton M, et al End-of-life transitions for family member on the solid tumour oncology ward: the 3 Wishes Project BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care Published Online First: 01 September 2021. doi: 10.1136/bmjspcare-2021-003138

Hospital leadership perspectives on the value of the 3 Wishes Project : a qualitative study

Swinton M, Vanstone M, Phung P, et al, Hospital leadership perspectives on the value of the 3 Wishes Project: a qualitative study, BMJ Leader Published Online First: 27 October 2020. doi: 10.1136/leader-2020-000302

Expanding the 3 Wishes Project for compassionate end-of-life- care: A qualitative evaluation of local adaptations

M Vanstone, TH Neville, ME Swinton, M Sadik, FJ Clarke, A LeBlanc, B Tam, A Takaoka, N Hoad, J Hancock, S McMullen, B Reeve, W Dechert, OM Smith, G Sandhu, J Lockington, DJ Cook. Expanding the 3 Wishes Project for compassionate end-of-life- care: A qualitative evaluation of local adaptations. BMC Palliative Care. 2020 Jun 30;19(1):93

Keepsakes at the End of Life

Neville TH, Clarke FJ, Takaoka A, Sadik M, Vanstone M, Phung P, Hjelmhaug K, Hainje J, Smith OM, LeBlanc A, Hoad N, Tam B, Reeve B, Cook DJ. Keepsakes at the End of Life. J Pain Symptom Management Jun 2020

Building Organizational Compassion Amongst Teams Delivering End-of-Life Care in the ICU: The 3 Wishes Project

Vanstone M, Sadik M, Smith OM, Neville TH, LeBlanc A, Boyle A, Clarke FJ, Swinton ME, Takaoka A, Toledo F, Baker AJ, Phung P, Cook DJ. Building Organizational Compassion Amongst Teams Delivering End-of-Life Care in the ICU: The 3 Wishes Project. J Palliat Med June 2020

Family and Clinician Experiences of Sympathy Cards in the 3 Wishes Project

Takaoka A, Vanstone M, Neville T, Goksoyr S, Swinton M, Clarke FJ, Smith O, Leblanc A, Foster D, Kao Y, Xu X, Hoad N, Toledo F, Cook DJ. Continued Connections: Family and Clinician Experiences of Sympathy Cards in the 3 Wishes Project. Am J Crit Care Apr 2020

Compassionate End-of-Life Care: Mixed-Methods Multisite Evaluation of the 3 Wishes Project

Vanstone M, Neville TH, Clarke FJ, Swinton M, Sadik M, Takaoka A, Smith O, Baker A, LeBlanc A, Foster D, Dhingra V, Phung P, Xueqing X, Kao Y, Heels-Ansdell D, Tam B, Toledo F, Boyle A, Cook DJ. Compassionate End-of-Life Care: Mixed-Methods Multisite Evaluation of the 3 Wishes Project. Ann Intern Med. 2019; [Epub ahead of print 12 November 2019]. doi:

Improving End of Life Care in the Intensive Care Unit: Clinician’s Experiences with the 3 Wishes Program

Neville TH, Agarwal N, Swinton M, Phung P, Xu X, Kao Y, Seo J, Granone MC, Hjelmhaug K, Hainje J, Pavlish C, Clarke FJ, Cook DJ. Improving end of life care in the intensive care unit: Clinician’s experiences with the 3 Wishes Program.  J Palliat Med 2019. doi: 10.1089/jpm.2019.0135

Narrative medicine and death in the ICU: Word clouds as a visual legacy

Vanstone M, Toledo F, Clarke F, Boyle A., Giacomini M, Swinton M, Saunders L, Shears M, Zytaruk N, Woods A, Rose T, Hand-Breckenridge T, Heels-Ansdell D, Anderson-White S, Sheppard R, Cook DJ. (2016). Narrative medicine and death in the ICU: Word Clouds as a visual legacy. BMJ Support Palliat 2016. doi:10.1136/bmjspcare-2016-001179

Experiences and Expressions of Spirituality at the End of life in the Intensive Care Unit

Swinton M, Giacomini M, Toledo F, Rose T, Hand-Breckenridge T, Boyle A, Woods A, Clarke FJ, Shears M, Sheppard R, Cook DJ. Experiences and Expressions of Spirituality at the End of life in the Intensive Care Unit. Am J Respir Crit Care Med July 2016; 195: 198-204 doi: 10.1164/rccm.201606-1102OC

Resident reflections on end-of-life education: a mixed methods study of the 3 Wishes Project

Centofanti J, Swinton M, Dionne J, Barefah A, Boyle A, Woods A, Shears M, Heels-Ansdell D, Cook DJ. Resident reflections on end-of-life education: a mixed methods study of the 3 Wishes Project. BMJ Open 2016; 6:e010626. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2015-010626

Personalizing Death in the ICU: The Three Wishes Project

Cook DJ, Swinton M, Toledo F, Clarke FJ, Rose T, Hand-Breckenridge T, Boyle A, Woods A, Zytaruk N, Heels-Ansdell D, Sheppard RD. Personalizing death in the ICU: The Three Wishes Project. Ann Intern Med 2015;163:271-279. doi:10.7326/M15-0502